Drama of Urban Femmes

November 7, 2008

uh oh…

Filed under: News — ufdramaseeker @ 6:41 am
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I think someone resents the attention..

How do you ladies feel about letting it go and not ever responding to it? I know people are curious and want to read, which makes you want to respond, but if we feed in, then that perpetuates the drama.

Apparently this “person” has a lot of wasted time on her hands and is sick in the head and needs serious mental rehabilitation. but if no one nurses her sickness, then maybe the blog will die.

Whatcha think?

The phrase “needs serious mental rehabilitation” it really sounds like she is describing herself here.

November 4, 2008

And We are back, but.

Filed under: News — ufdramaseeker @ 3:40 am
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UF came back up today, apparently rumors have touched a chord because this was the announcement.

First off we want to say YAY! We are back, and terribly sorry for the long delay. Many issues arose with the migration to a dedicated server that we were not expecting. After much headache we are back! We would like to clarify that UF was not down to “purge” members. Yes we have been made aware that at least one of our members here is not who she claims to be. It is frustrating to think that this person would take an attitude of do as I say not as I do. Whatever happened to integrity and honesty? We have migrated EVERY.SINGLE registered member back to the new server. The migration was just that a migration.

However in 2 weeks time we will be putting all members with less than 10 posts and those who have not posted during this two week window into an inactive mode. All account settings/passwords will be retained and should you decide to become an active member we will reactivate your account. Julie and I would also like to take this time to remind you all that this is an admin led board. We will consider all member opinions and ideas but will focus on what we think is the best direction of the board. That being said we will no longer be activating new accounts unless the new member can reference a current member that invited them and the current member can verify that they indeed did invite the new member.

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